Memorandum of Agreements
AGM – January 2007: (1) Members must seek the Treasurer’s advice prior to voting on any financial matters that effect the club. (2) The club to retain $5000.00 in a Fixed Term Depositaccount, this will be reviewed at subsequent AGM’s. (3) Life members will pay their annual subs as per all members. (4) A $5 only subsidy to be given at all subsequent Xmas luncheons AGM – 27TH January 2008: (1) Alf has stated he will donate $50 per “hole-in-one” regardless of the number that occur. (2) Players will be fined 50 cents for not wearing their club shirt in a competition. 30th March 2008: An unplayable ball: There are 3 options to this rule, not 2 as previously thought: (1) Drop within 2 club lengths of original spot but not closer to the hole. (2) Go back in line with the flag pin as far as required & drop. (3) Go back to the point where you last hit the ball & drop (this is the new one) Reminder: Moving a ball in sandy areas on the fairway by more than 1 club lgth is prohibited.
27th April 2008: Any new player with a registered WAGL handicap at Armadale can continue to start with that handicap upon joining the club. 21stJune 2008: If a ball is lost, the local rule of dropping a ball on the fairway & taking a 2 shot penalty is now revoked instead you MUST go back to where you played your last shot. 27th July 2008: The Match Committee ONLY can make decisions on continuous play which tend to be based on personal safety (lightning, etc.) 31st August 2008: (1) If a ball might be lost as a result of an errant shot a provisional ball should be played & continued to be played up until the point where the original ball is deemed to have been lost. (2) The correct time for finding a lost ball is 3 minutes, not 5.
21st September 2008: (1) 3 players can be put in the first group as long as when this group returns to the 10th tee prior to 9am & there are already people at the tee, then the group of 3 must wait. (2) A Match Committee member needs to be in the first group to check cards. 26th October 2008: Standard membership fees are $30. Pensioners $25. Jrs pay the std fee. AGM – January 2009: If a player donates a trophy & wins in a partnership game, that player will donate his winning trophy back to the club or a charity. 15th February 2009: If the fairway edge is not discernable in sandy patches, line up the two edges that are, either side of the bare area.
23rd Aug. 2009: Local rule of a preferred lie of 1 putters head width on greens is revoked. 20th September 2009: (1) Bisque games: In par & stableford players can take as many strokes per hole as they wish providing it is one less than the stroke score for that hole. In stableford, 6 points is the maximum achievable. (2) After June new members fees are half price. (3) Our own club or local rules can be overruled immediately by the match committee if seen to be an official golf rule. AGM – 24th January 2010: It was agreed upon that the club championships be played over 3 weeks, with the option of playing on the 4th week if you miss one of the first 3 rounds. 21st February 2010: It was passed that a group of 3 will always tee-off before a group of 4. 21st March 2010: (1) Match play games will not be handicapped. (3) The only tie in club championships will be a 2 way tie for 2nd with no 3rd divvy. All other scenarios will be sudden death play-offs. 25th July 2010: Bisque games will be handicapped. 22nd August 2010: There must be at least 4 players in attendance for there to be a competition. 1 comp if 4 from 1 grade. 2 comps if 2 from each grade. 1 comp if 3 from 1 grade & 1 from the other. In normal competition if 3 or more turn up from 1 grade for a 2 grade comp but only 1 for the other, that player will be asked to join up with the other grade & just the 1 grade will be played on that day. A/B grade trophy / voucher money to be distributed as: 1st $25 – 2nd $15 – 3rd $10 or 1st $20 – 2nd $12 – 3rd $8. AGM – 23rd January 2011: Players can nominate if they want a trophy or voucher for any competition win. 2008 modified 1st October 2010 Usual Suggested amount amount Increase Memorial Trophies Match play champion Match play champion runner up Doubles champions Doubles champions runners up Club champion Club champion runner up* Plate champion Eclectic champion Putting champion Best net average Total All monthly trophy prices remain unchanged at $20 ea *2 way tie, no 3rd divy ($70 divided) All other ties in championships, not counting eclectic, putting or net average, will be sudden death play-offs (even a 3 way tie or more for 2nd in club chshps, this will be a play-off to the last 2